“The Glutathione Revolution”

The Glutathione Revolution by Nayan Patel Pharm D explores the benefits of the master antioxidant glutathione, which can help you fight disease and slow aging. Nayan Patel explains how our body has its own ability to protect itself from disease such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimers and can heal itself with the help of a […]

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The Link Between Glutathione, Oxidative Stress & Mental Health (MindBodyGreen)

As we’ve learned more about mental health over the years, the clearer it’s become that psychological states of mind can have biochemical origins. The connection between messaging chemicals called neurotransmitters and depression, for instance, is quite clear.  Neurotransmitters as well as hormones can be involved in the development of anxiety disorders, too. Less studied, but […]

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